The Soft Tool Culture
I hope we're going to be stop using the term information society. I do realize that it refers to the fact that information itself has become a commodity, whereas energy was previously the stuff of economies. The thing is that all creatures work with data that pours in through senses to be interpreted into information and ultimately meaning that stimulates action of some kind. And, in the case of social insects, such as bees and ants, received data can be encoded meaning shared for common benefit; so we really need to move on, way past even a post-information society, which only suggests what we aren't anymore. I thus prefer the expression, soft tool culture, which came to me when I was thinking about Homo faber and how we have moved so far beyond physical devices.
Soft tools are those we can adapt and combine at a whim. Whatever it is that these tools do, and however they manifest, software is the magic sauce. And as the utility of software-based tools bores ever deeper into our psyches, that we are the Soft Tool Culture is constantly re-proven.
It's software that fetches and installs apps (other software) on your smart phone. It makes changes to the existing software for you and enables your ability to organize and manage all your software parts. These soft tools of yours were created using other soft tools in the hands of people who know how to get a smart phone to do various things, the app developers. They don't have to know a lot about the actual phone, because a bunch of other people are using their own soft tools to make soft tools for app developers to create soft tools for you. As easily as we re-combine new tools and media, all these technological appurtenances are hard-won through the determined application of millions of person-hours over generations of producers.